The number of electronic services is increasing rapidly in Finland. As the new digital services support self-management, clients are expected to take a more skilled and active role while organisations and professionals have to learn a new service culture. There is a risk that new electronic services will increase social exclusion if the service culture fails to take vulnerable groups, such as older people, migrants and substance abusers, into consideration.
This project has three aims:
- A reform of the service culture in the social and healthcare sector
- Guaranteeing better electronic services for everyone
- Preventing the marginalisation of people who are most vulnerable
In addition to high-quality scientific publications, the DigiIN project seeks to create practical solutions in cooperation with actors in the field and make information more accessible to decision-makers and interested parties.
Consortium and partners
The DigiIN project will be implemented as cooperation between Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Aalto University, University of Helsinki, University of Jyväskylä, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, and Age Institute.
The consortium represents a wide range of expertise in the digitalisation of social and health care, digital and social exclusion, migrant issues, older persons and socially marginalised groups.
The project is multidisciplinary and utilises different types of research methods, such as interviews, surveys, action research and simulations. In addition to high-quality scientific research, the project emphasises the creation of practical solutions in interaction with actors in the field and making information more easily available to decision-makers and interested parties at the right time and in an easily utilised format.
We will cooperate with municipalities, service providers, ministries, education providers, organisations, networks in the field and other operators.