There is a risk that digitalisation may increase exclusion because using electronic services is often most difficult for the people who have the greatest need for them. One theme of the DigiIN project is to study how electronic health and welfare services can be designed in a way that makes them easily accessible, usable and cost-effective for everyone. The goal is to ensure that all user groups have smooth and equal access to services in a way that meets their needs. The aim of design is for the services to achieve a good user experience that encourages people to manage their own health and well-being.
We will use interviews and surveys to collect information regarding the experiences of professionals and patients and barriers that prevent people from using self-care services. We will also use case studies to monitor the implementation of different services and evaluate the user experience, cost-effectiveness and health impacts.
This subproject is being implemented in close cooperation between the DigiIN consortium, digital service producers and third sector organisations. We will combine the information collected in all subprojects about the needs of different groups, and develop planning guidelines and training materials. We will also identify new ways to support the implementation of electronic services and utilise them to enhance health and well-being.